Our Speakers’ Stories Are the Main Attraction!


Share your knowledge and expertise with the entire vinyl record supply chain community by submitting a presentation proposal for Making Vinyl Minneapolis
on June 7-8, 2023.

Submission Instructions, Deadlines, and Process

  • Presentations must be generic in nature and not promote a particular organization.
  • We are especially interested in hearing topics, opinions, and voices not covered in Making Vinyl’s first five years.
  • We strongly encourage proposals from individuals representing diversity in gender, ethnicity, and age.
  • Create a 5-minute video (optional but recommended) to pitch your idea, which will help us determine if it’s right for the conference. If the proposal is accepted, this video might be used in Making Vinyl promotions.
  • The deadline to submit an online proposal is December 20, 2023.  Click Here to Submit! 
  • Once you hit the ‘Submit Application’  button, your proposal has been submitted, and you WILL NOT be able to make changes.
  • Individuals who submit accepted proposals will be notified by February 28, 2023.
  • If selected, you must accept/decline the invitation to present by the deadline given in the notification.

Additional Information

  • Presenters will present in person at a designated time during June 7-8, 2023, in Minneapolis, MN, venue TBA.
  • Making Vinyl will give the speakers a complimentary registration to the conference.
  • Making Vinyl does not pay per diem or honorarium or provide travel expenses or hotel accommodations for any presenters/Panelists.

Questions? Please email us at [email protected].  We look forward to your submission.