Donny Eastland
Donny Eastland
Owner | Record Pressing Machines
Donny Eastland is currently the go-to person for many of the record pressing factories when technical assistance is needed. Clients include Memphis Record Pressing (MRP), Sunpress Vinyl, Brooklyn Vinyl Works, Josey Records, and Gotta Groove Records. His expertise is the results of an Engineering degree, 45 years of experience as an Industrial Engineer, 20 of those years in the record pressing industry. MRP was able to achieve a very successful start up of their factory with the dedicated efforts of Donny. He specified and designed the systems needed to produce quality records in the most efficient manner. MRP purchased old equipment that Donny rebuilt. An existing empty building was transformed into a record pressing factory within 5 months. Six machines were in production within 8 months. Southern Machine and Tool (SMT) was the first introduction of record pressing for Donny. They made the so called SMT machine — over 400 of them. He became their Assistant Plant Manager and Installation Engineer in 1975. During his time there he assisted in fabrication and installation of over 200 record pressing machines. After that he was the Manufacturing Manager for Volunteer Record Pressing for several years. When vinyl records resurfaced in 2003 he consulted with United Record Pressing as they expanded their factory.