Sven Deutschmann

Sven Deutschmann

Sven Deutschmann

Chairman of the Board | Sonopress GmbH

Sven Deutschmann has been Chairman of the Board of digital service provider Sonopress GmbH since 2005, and manages the group’s business in Europe, Mexico and Hong Kong. He joined Bertelsmann AG in 1992. In 1996, he became Managing Director of print specialist Topac GmbH. In 2002, he was appointed Deputy Managing Director of Sonopress GmbH, a manufacturer of digital media, and a year later he assumed responsibility for the group’s business in Germany. In 2005, he expanded his portfolio by also becoming Chief Executive Officer (CEO) EMEA at the top of arvato Entertainment (today: Sonopress GmbH). Within this function, he manages the group’s business in Germany, France, Spain, Russia, the UK and Australia. As part of his duties, he coordinates customers within the divisions of Audio, Games and Video in order to meet the demand – particularly internationally – for integrated service solutions. Since January 2014, as CEO he has also overseen the global business dealings and production sites of Sonopress GmbH in Mexico and Hong Kong.


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