Making Vinyl – The Premier Vinyl Record Industry Conference

Can Polylactic acid, or PLA be used in vinyl record manufacturing?

Polylactic acid, or PLA, is a type of biodegradable plastic made from renewable resources like corn starch or sugarcane. It has become a material for manufacturing vinyl records. Because PLA is biodegradable, it is a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional materials used in vinyl record manufacturing. It is also a strong and durable material, […]

Kindercore Vinyl Celebrates First Year Anniversary

Athens Georgia pressing plant turned one on October 30th.  Kindercore was founded by Ryan Lewis, Cash Carter and Dan Geller to meet growing demand for vinyl records. Starting the plant had its challenges as the local government wasn’t ecstatic about the idea of having a plant in their state due to environmental concerns and the financial resources were also difficult […]


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