Making Vinyl

Envisioning the Last 40 Years of Music Sales

A thought-provoking look at the rise and fall of the record companies profits over the last 40-years. Vinyl eradicated the 8-track and the cassette at its peak was bigger in sales than the CD. Streaming is the next game changer and the size of the cake for the physical media is getting smaller and smaller […]

CD’s in short supply?

According to a recent article by Billboard, because CD production has relocated to Mexico, stores haven’t been receiving their shipments on time and can’t keep up with the uptick in demand. Well, that isn’t entirely true, but with the recent consolidations in the physical media industry, some content that has gone to Mexico to be pressed and […]

Making Vinyl, RIAA to Collaborate on Mfg. Standards Record guidelines

Making Vinyl is pleased to announce its collaboration with the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) to update the global standards for vinyl record manufacturing, including pressing, mastering and packaging, for the first time since 1978. More details about the collaboration, which is also being supported by the Media-Tech Association, will be given at a […]


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