Making Vinyl – The Premier Vinyl Record Industry Conference

How Vinyl Records Are Made

What is a Vinyl Record? Vinyl records are flat discs made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a type of plastic known for its durability. Unlike early records made of shellac or wax, modern vinyl records use this material for its strength and sound quality. These records are engraved with grooves that store sound waves, allowing music […]

Clickbait Articles Belie Reality: The Vinyl Manufacturing Industry’s Resiliency

Written by Larry Jaffee Copper Magazine: Click Here for the full article. New trade advocacy group, the Vinyl Record Manufacturers Association, is establishing best practices and standards. Two recent online articles ushered in the new year with headlines that the vinyl boom could be over because the record industry couldn’t keep up with consumer demand. […]

Inside Look at France’s Largest Vinyl Factory

Each month, 1.5 million records are pressed at MPO International.   With 30 vinyl presses, MPO vinyl manufacturing facility is located in Villaines-La-Juhel, France that is about 250km east of Paris. Source:

Making Vinyl, RIAA to Collaborate on Mfg. Standards Record guidelines

Making Vinyl is pleased to announce its collaboration with the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) to update the global standards for vinyl record manufacturing, including pressing, mastering and packaging, for the first time since 1978. More details about the collaboration, which is also being supported by the Media-Tech Association, will be given at a […]


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