Making Vinyl

[themeum_title position=”left” title=”DON’T MISS OUT” size=”36″ title_weight=”700″ color=”#b0851e” subtitle=”on the Rebirth & Opportunities of the Vinyl Industry” subtitle_size=”24″ subtitle_weight=”600″ subtitle_color=”#0a0a0a” class=”rtl-right”]

This is NOT your father’s record industry anymore!

If you are frustrated with the scarcity of vendors and of raw material, then this conference is for YOU. If you want to save time by learning best practices by industry experts, then this conference is for YOU. If you want to learn how to make money with the rebirth of the vinyl industry, then this conference is for YOU. If you want to build a network of Vinyl Industry experts, then this conference is for YOU.

Oct. 1-2, 2018 – Cadillac Westin Hotel, Detroit, MI.

Presented by: Colonial Purchasing Co-Op,  Record Store Day, and hometown sponsor Third Man Pressing.

[themeum_button display=”block” btn_link=”” btn_name=”2018 Program Guide ” target=”_blank” btn_text_size=”16″ btn_color=”#ffffff” btn_color_hover=”#ffffff” btn_background=”#bf9b5f” btn_background_hover=”#350d00″ btn_weight=”500″ btn_margin=”0 20px 20px 0″ btn_padding=”15px 30px” class=”rtl-right”]
packaging-awards_quare (1)
[themeum_title title=”2018 ATTENDEE TESTIMONIALS” size=”36″ title_weight=”700″ color=”#ffffff” subtitle=”(FROM POST-CONVENTION SURVEY) ” subtitle_size=”24″ subtitle_weight=”300″ subtitle_color=”#e0e0e0″ class=”rtl-right”]
[themeum_client_testimonial client_text=”“First class event all the way!“” color=”#ffffff” bg=”rgba(0,0,0,0.5)”]
[themeum_client_testimonial client_text=”“First Time Attendee – very well organized; great opportunity to network“” color=”#ffffff” bg=”rgba(0,0,0,0.5)”]
[themeum_client_testimonial client_text=”“Really enjoyed the conference and learned a LOT.“” color=”#ffffff” bg=”rgba(0,0,0,0.5)”]
[themeum_client_testimonial client_text=”“Great event and I enjoyed the women-only panel.“” color=”#ffffff” bg=”rgba(0,0,0,0.5)”]
[themeum_client_testimonial client_text=”“Keep on keeping on. I loved it and was honored to attend.“” color=”#ffffff” bg=”rgba(0,0,0,0.5)”]
[themeum_client_testimonial client_text=”“Vinyl is not a product; it’s an experience.“” color=”#ffffff” bg=”rgba(0,0,0,0.5)”]
[themeum_client_testimonial client_text=”“Vinyl is alive and well.“” color=”#ffffff” bg=”rgba(0,0,0,0.5)”]
[themeum_client_testimonial client_text=”“The music industry has benefited from the vinyl comeback, which has “kept people employed across the `{`supply`}` chain“” color=”#ffffff” bg=”rgba(0,0,0,0.5)”]
[themeum_title position=”left” title=”MICHAEL KURTZ” size=”36″ title_weight=”700″ color=”#b0851e” subtitle=”on Making Vinyl 2017″ subtitle_size=”24″ subtitle_weight=”600″ subtitle_color=”#0a0a0a” class=”rtl-right”]
[themeum_title position=”left” title=”DARRYL ‘DMC’ MCDANIELS” size=”36″ title_weight=”700″ color=”#b0851e” subtitle=”on Making Vinyl 2017″ subtitle_size=”24″ subtitle_weight=”600″ subtitle_color=”#0a0a0a” class=”rtl-right”]
[themeum_button position=”center” display=”block” btn_link=”″ btn_name=”Newsletter sign up! ” target=”_blank” btn_text_size=”16″ btn_color=”#ffffff” btn_color_hover=”#ffffff” btn_background=”#ff0000″ btn_background_hover=”#350d00″ btn_weight=”500″ btn_margin=”0 20px 20px 0″ btn_padding=”15px 30px” class=”rtl-right”]
[themeum_title position=”left” title=”2018 KEYNOTER” size=”72″ title_weight=”600″ color=”#ffffff” subtitle=”‘Little Steven’ Van Zandt” subtitle_size=”48″ subtitle_weight=”300″ subtitle_color=”#ffffff” class=”rtl-right”]

Musician/Producer, Bandleader, Actor, Activist, Label Owner, Educator and Broadcaster.


Larry Jaffee

Larry Jaffee

Program Director

Making Vinyl

Michael Kurtz

Michael Kurtz


Record Store Day

Bryan D. Ekus

Bryan D. Ekus


Making Vinyl/Colonial Purchasing Co-op

Gerhard Blum

Gerhard Blum

Senior Vice President

Sony Music International

Steve Sheldon

Steve Sheldon


Rainbo Records

Ron McMaster

Ron McMaster

Mastering Engineer

Marcus Cohen

Marcus Cohen

Sr. Vice President, Anti-Counterfeiting Investigations and Enforcement


Jack Stoughton, Jr.

Jack Stoughton, Jr.


Stoughton Printing

Billy Fields

Billy Fields

VP, Sales, Account Management


Craig Braun

Craig Braun

Media Packaging Veteran

Making Vinyl Awards Host

Jessa Zapor-Gray

Jessa Zapor-Gray

VP, Marketing

Intervention Records

Connie Comeau

Connie Comeau

Chief Operating Officer

The ADS Group

[themeum_button position=”right” display=”block” btn_link=”” btn_name=”SEE ALL SPEAKERS” target=”_blank” btn_text_size=”16″ btn_color=”#ffffff” btn_color_hover=”#ffffff” btn_background=”#bf9b5f” btn_background_hover=”#b0851e” btn_weight=”500″ btn_margin=”0 20px 20px 0″ btn_padding=”15px 30px” class=”rtl-right”]
[eventum_counter position=”center” date=”2018-10-01 08:00:00″ title_fontsize=”56″ title_fontweight=”regular” title_text_color=”#ffffff” sub_text_color=”#ffffff” class=”countdown-custom”]
[themeum_title title=”COUNTDOWN TO MAKING VINYL 2018″ size=”28″ color=”#ffffff” title_margin=”15px 0px 0px 0px” class=”count_down_title”]
[themeum_title title=”ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED” size=”36″ title_weight=”700″ color=”#b0851e” subtitle_size=”24″ subtitle_weight=”600″ subtitle_color=”#0a0a0a” class=”rtl-right”]


Thank you for all those that registered! If you missed the online registration there will be limited onsite registrations available Monday.

See you in Detroit!


[themeum_title position=”left” title=”OUR EVENT SPONSORS” size=”36″ title_weight=”700″ color=”#ffffff” subtitle=”CHECK OUT WHO MAKES THIS EVENT POSSIBLE!” subtitle_size=”24″ subtitle_weight=”600″ subtitle_color=”#0a0a0a” class=”rtl-right”]
[themeum_button position=”center” display=”block” btn_link=”” btn_name=”SEE ALL SPONSORS” target=”_blank” btn_text_size=”16″ btn_color=”#ffffff” btn_color_hover=”#ffffff” btn_background=”#bf9b5f” btn_background_hover=”#b0851e” btn_weight=”500″ btn_margin=”0 20px 20px 0″ btn_padding=”15px 30px” class=”rtl-right”]
[themeum_title position=”left” title=”WESTIN BOOK CADILLAC” size=”72″ title_weight=”600″ color=”#ffffff” subtitle=”114 Washington Boulevard, Detroit, MI 48226″ subtitle_size=”48″ subtitle_weight=”300″ subtitle_color=”#ffffff” class=”rtl-right”]
[themeum_title title=” CONNECT WITH US ” size=”28″ color=”#7c6990″ title_margin=”15px” title_padding=”0px”]
[themeum_title title=” CONNECT WITH US ” size=”28″ color=”#7c6990″ title_margin=”0PX” title_padding=”0px 0px 15px 0px”]

Together, we are
Making Vinyl.

Stay updated with news, upcoming events & much more!